The Anatomy of the Renal Circulation

In the kidney, as in the lung, only a relatively small proportion of the enormous volume of blood flowing through the organ (about 1,300 ml/min) is concerned with the nutrition of the tissues themselves, the greater part having to pass through complicated pathways so that its pH, osmolality and composition may be regulated.

The anatomy and physiology of the renal circulation is therefore of the greatest importance but, for reasons which will become apparent, the subject presents many problems and a great deal of work remains to be done before the full contribution of the circulation to renal function may be understood.

In particular it must be mentioned that a great deal of investigation has been carried out on the kidneys of various laboratory animals rather than on human kidneys. This applies particularly to ultrastructural studies since adequate fixation for electron microscopy can only be carried out on absolutely fresh material, preferably fixed by intravascular perfusion while still living.

Thus human material is difficult to obtain in a state suitable for detailed study and even when biopsy specimens or apparently normal portions of operation specimens are examined, it is difficult to exclude the possibility of pathological changes having occurred.

This chapter will therefore necessarily contain some descriptions of animal material, but this will be clearly stated where appropriate and it may be assumed that all other observations are applicable to the human kidney.

Below is a list Kidney Stones Diseases of discussion links The Anatomy of the Renal Circulation:
  1. The major vessels (The renal arteries and their branches and ABERRANT RENAL ARTERIES)
  2. Interlobar and arcuate arteries and The renal veins and their tributaries
  3. Cortical vessels
  4. Medullary vessels
  5. The medullary capillaries and Venous drainage of the medulla
  6. The fine structure of the medullary vessels
  7. Aglomerular pathways to the medulla
  8. The vascular bundles of the outer medulla
  9. Tubulo vascular relationships
  10. Pelvic and calyceal vessels
  11. The structure of the glomerulus
  12. The epithelial cells
  13. The basement membrane and The mesangial cells
  14. The juxtaglomerular apparatus
  15. The macula densa, The afferent arteriole, and The lacis cells
  16. The localization of renin in the juxtaglomerular apparatus and The nerve supply of the renal vessels


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