Glomerular Permeability to Macromolecules
The composition of the fluid which passes the glomerular membrane conforms closely to that of an ideal ultrafiltrate of plasma. A large number of micropuncture experiments agree that the concentration of sodium, chloride, phosphate, urea, glucose, hydrogen ion and uric acid in fluid collected from Bowman’s capsule exceeds by 2-4 per cent the concentration in plasma (Renkin & Gilmore 1973). After correction for the influence of Donnan effects of the non-filtered protein on charged particles, the concentrations show remarkable conformity with that predicted for a passive, freely permeable membrane. Dextrans and inulin with a molecular weight of 5,000 or less also appear in the filtrate in concentrations which indicate that the membrane is freely permeable to molecules of this size. Conversely, normal plasma proteins are present in the filtrate only in concentrations at the level of the threshold sensitivity for detection. Bayliss et al. (1933) found in the cat, rabbit and dog t...